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Estd. 2020
Approved by the Shaw Family

sea fury

"How did you get aboard? Bribe the old man?"
"I tried to match him drink for drink. I got sloshed,he just got better." - Ric Fields

Robert Shaw as First Officer Will Gorman

Off the Spanish coast, two tug-boat captains are caught in a violent feud over a woman but their rivalry is set aside when a sinking freighter carrying explosives must be salvaged and towed to port.
Directed by Cy Endfield
Screenplay by John Kruse and Cy Endfield
Produced by Benjamin Fisz
Executive Producer: Earl St. John
Music by Philip Green
Cinematography by Reginald H. Wyer
Edited by Arthur Stevens
Also starring Victor McLaglen, Stanley Baker, Roger Delgado, Barry Foster, Richard Pearson, Gregoire Aslan and Luciana Paluzzi
Released by The Rank Organisation
Release Date: August 26th 1958
Running Time: 97 minutes
Location(s): Pinewood Studios, Girona and Bournemouth
Filming Dates: January 8th - April 3rd 1958

sea fury

sea fury

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sea fury

Press Play

sea fury

Cy Endfield
(1914 - 1995)

(1886 - 1959)

(1928 - 1976)

(1937 - )

(1918 - 1973)

Another early effort in Robert's film career, this is a rather turgid action drama which never really gets off the ground.
Shaw is reasonably well featured as First Officer Gorman and he plays his scenes well, but the plot never really goes anywhere and largely focuses on a wholly inappropriate sub-plot involving a 72 year old McLaglen lusting after Paluzzi.
There are some pretty shots of the Spanish location and Baker and Paluzzi have good chemistry as their love affair blossoms, but the film limps to its dramatic conclusion as Baker and Shaw try to rescue a floundering freighter in the Bay of Biscay in a rather tepid denoument.
It's a rather dull affair to be honest and didn't really do much to advance Robert's film career.
Lobby Card Gallery
sea fury

Baker arrives in a small coastal Spanish town looking for work on a tugboat commanded by Ford favourite Victor McLaglen in his final screen role. Unable to make headway in meeting McLaglen, Baker turns to Vic’s lead hand on board, the slippery Robert Shaw, who promptly cheats Baker of some cash while never making the introductions.
Along comes the playful Luciana Paluzzi whom Baker flirts with and ultimately fights over with another sailor. McLaglen seeing the fight takes a liking to the feisty Baker and a friendship begins. Baker finds himself hired aboard the tugboat and might have found a girl in Paluzzi.
Paluzzi has a pimp for a father who expects his fully developed daughter to land an elderly man of wealth so he can live a life of ease. The mark is McLaglen who himself at an age of 72 has fallen for the 21 year old Paluzzi and like a schoolboy buys a sexy dress and black lingerie to boot.
As it stands, it just comes across as if McLaglen is a dirty old man about to molest a virginal young woman.
So if this is a three way triangle, it isn’t one of love as Paluzzi has eyes only for Baker. When McLaglen promotes Baker to run the ship as his second in command, the crew led by Robert Shaw aren’t overly excited about it and when Shaw discovers that Baker and Paluzzi are an item behind the Captain’s back, he blows the whistle sending McLaglen into a drunken rampage and itching for an epic rematch with The Quiet Man but Baker might have to do.
The final third of the film is the highlight thanks to Baker playing the hero and some outstanding special effects that sees Baker lead the tugboat out in rough seas to save an abandoned ship from sinking to the ocean depths.
It’s a mixture of models and what are probably stage reproductions of a deck and a ship’s hold where explosive canisters are in danger of igniting unless our leading man can save the day.
Hats off to director and frequent Baker collaborator Cy Endfield for bringing a harrowing realism to the proceedings that lead to the fade out and happy ending for all involved.
Sea Fury was one of six films that Baker worked alongside American director Cy Endfield, Zulu being their biggest hit while Hell Drivers remains a heavy favourite among Baker fans. While Baker seems to be best remembered as more of a tough villain or loner, here he gets to play the romantic hero and does justice to the role with Miss Paluzzi making for an eye catching love interest.
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