
Estd. 2020
Approved by the Shaw Family

Robert Shaw
Bernard Shaw
ENJOY THESE RARE VINYL RECORDINGS OF the works of the legendary irish playwright and essayist GEORGE BERNARD SHAW. narratED BY ROBERT shaw IN 1969 FOR CMS AUDIO.
Back to Methuselah
The Complete Preface
Read by Robert Shaw
The complete Preface prepared by the author for the 1921 publication of George Bernard Shaw's 1918-1920 play(s) BACK TO METHUSELAH. These Prefaces provide essential background information on Shaw's ideas behind his most important plays.
Robert Shaw recorded the preface of Bernard Shaw's BACK TO METHUSELAH as the last in a series (CMS 565/2) of Shavian Prefaces (and one essay) for CMS Records. Now long out of print and hard to find, the well known British actor may have read the works with a more "angry" tone than many Shavians may feel appropriate - a matter of taste - but the words are superb and add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important plays.

Recorded in 1969
Running Time: 68:49
The Doctor's Dilemma
The Complete Preface
Read by Robert Shaw
The Complete Preface prepared by the author for the published edition of George Bernard Shaw's 1906 play THE DOCTOR'S DILEMMA. These Prefaces provided essential insights into the ideas behind Shaw's most important plays.
Robert Shaw recorded the preface of Bernard Shaw's DOCTOR'S DILEMMA as the first in a series (CMS 550) of Shavian Prefaces (and one essay) for CMS Records. Now long out of print and hard to find, the well known British actor may have read the works with a more "angry" tone than many Shavians may feel appropriate - a matter of taste - but the words are superb and add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important plays.

Recorded in 1969
Running Time: 44:59
Major Barbara
The Complete Preface
Read by Robert Shaw
The Complete Preface prepared by Bernard Shaw for the 1907 published edition of his 1905 play MAJOR BARBARA. These Prefaces add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important plays.
Robert Shaw recorded the preface of Bernard Shaw's DOCTOR'S DILEMMA as the first in a series (CMS 550) of Shavian Prefaces (and one essay) for CMS Records. Now long out of print and hard to find, the well known British actor may have read the works with a more "angry" tone than many Shavians may feel appropriate - a matter of taste - but the words are superb and add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important plays.
Recorded in 1969
Running Time: 61:59
getting married
The Complete Preface
Read by Robert Shaw
The Complete Preface prepared by Bernard Shaw for the published edition of his 1908 play GETTING MARRIED. These Prefaces add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important plays.
Robert Shaw recorded the preface of Bernard Shaw's GETTING MARRIED as the fifth in a series (CMS 564) of Shavian Prefaces (and one essay) for CMS Records. Now long out of print and hard to find, the well known British actor may have read the works with a more "angry" tone than many Shavians may feel appropriate - a matter of taste - but the words are superb and add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important plays. It should be noted that the source recording for this upload was missing the first four words of the recorded Preface: "There is no subject...". Shaw (Bernard) continued his discussion of marriage issues in his next play (and Preface), MISALLIANCE, in 1909-10.

Recorded in 1969
Running Time: 35:21
killing for sport
The Complete essay
Read by Robert Shaw
The Complete Preface prepared by Bernard Shaw for "Killing for Sport, Essays Written by Various Authors with a Preface by Bernard Shaw," edited by Henry S. Salt (London, 1914). These Prefaces add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important discussions and plays.
Robert Shaw recorded the preface for "Killing for Sport, Essays Written by Various Authors with a Preface by Bernard Shaw," as the second in a series (CMS 561) of Shavian Prefaces (and this essay) for CMS Records. Now long out of print and hard to find, the well known British actor may have read the works with a more "angry" tone than many Shavians may feel appropriate - a matter of taste - but the words are superb and add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important discussions and plays.

Recorded in 1969
Running Time: 41:53
The Complete Preface
Read by Robert Shaw
The Complete Preface prepared by Bernard Shaw for the published edition of his 1910 play MISALLIANCE. These Prefaces add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important plays.
Robert Shaw recorded the preface of Bernard Shaw's MISALLIANCE as the forth in a series (CMS 563) of Shavian Prefaces (and one essay) for CMS Records. Now long out of print and hard to find, the well known British actor may have read the works with a more "angry" tone than many Shavians may feel appropriate - a matter of taste - but the words are superb and add to the understanding of the author's ideas behind some of his most important plays.